Sunday, September 19, 2010

Allie's Cat

This is an ATC size illustration I did for a little friend of mine Allie. She gave me a necklace from right around her neck. She is a super sweet little bit that always has a smile for me. Love to know what you think.


Unknown said...


Thank you so much for thinking of me. I love my "Allie Cat" I am going to frame him for my room.

Love you,

Julie Hammond said...

You are so super welcome! I absolutely adore my necklace! Sorry I misspelled your name. See you at the library! -Ms. Julie

MrBibleHead said...

Hey Julie! Thanks for stopping by! Your kittie is adorable and I don't know how I missed your proverb...I love it! and not only because it has my name in it :) I didn't realize you were in St Louis! Darn I would have loved to meet you. The whole event was organized by Guardian Angel Publishing.... The museum is in Crestwood and the Borders was in the South County mall. Are you near there?

Julie Hammond said...

Jack- I live about 10 min. away from both those places. Next time for sure let me know. We could talk about creating and our Creator!

Unknown said...


I'm Ali's Grandma and Kim's Mom.
I just want to thank you for doing such a very special thing for Ali. She was soooo! excited.
All of your work is just beautiful.
Kim explained how you would like to illustrate children's books. I think that you would be great and wish you the best of luck.


Unknown said...


My name is Marie and Ali is my Granddaughter. She really thinks you are very special.
Your illustration of "Allie's Cat" is adorable.

I wish you much luck in your endeavors.
